04 August 2016

Cantonment Board Wellington- Recruitment of 10 Lower Division Clerk, Lineman, Mazdoor, Pipe Fitter & Safaiwala

Image result for cantonment board wellington logoCantonment Board Wellington is inviting application from the eligible candidates for 10 posts ofLower Division Clerk, Electrical Lineman, Pipe Fitter, Mazdoor and Safaiwala.

1. Lower Division Clerk: 03 Nos. (UR-02, OBC-01)
Educational Qualification: 10+2 (HSC passed) or equivalent and should pass Typewriting test with a speed of minimum 35 words per minute, in English, on computer.
Candidates should have Computer knowledge in MS Office or equivalent.
Desirable: Tamil Typewriting and working knowledge of Hindi
Age Limit: Minimum-18 years and maximum-25 years as on 01.07.2016.
Pay Scale: Rs.5200/- Rs.20200/- and Grade Pay Rs.2400/-
2. Electrical Lineman: 01 Nos. (UR-01)
Educational Qualification: Xth std pass with ITI Electrician Trade Certificate and must be a holder of ‘B’ Licence from TNEB.
Desirable: Previous Field experience in maintenance of   street lighting , pumpset, genset etc.
Age Limit: Minimum-18 years and maximum-25 years as on 01.07.2016.
Pay Scale: Rs.5200/- Rs.20200/- and Grade Pay Rs.2600/-

3. Pipe Fitter: 01 Nos. (UR-01)
Educational Qualification: Xth std pass with ITI Plumber Trade Certificate.
Desirable: At least 03 years experience in handling pumpsets & electrical related works.
Age Limit: Minimum-18 years and maximum-25 years as on 01.07 .2016.
Pay Scale: Rs.5200/- Rs.20200/- and Grade Pay Rs.2400/-

4. Mazdoor: 02 Nos. (UR-02)
Educational Qualification: ITI Trade Certificate in Wireman/ Fitter /carpenter /Plumber/Electrician course,
Desirable: Capacity to work in PW building work earth work & water supply department
Age Limit: Minimum-18 years and maximum-25 years as on 01.07.2016.
Pay Scale: Rs.5200/- Rs.20200/- and Grade Pay Rs.2400/-

5. Safaiwala: 03 Nos. (UR-02, OBC-01)
Educational Qualification: VIII th Std Pass/ Fail and must be literate in the local language. Should be able to do cleaning and drain work
Desirable: Candidates should possess sound mental and physical health.
Age Limit: Minimum-18 years and maximum-25 years as on 01.07.2016.
Pay Scale: Rs.4800/- Rs.10,000/- and Grade Pay Rs.1300/-

Upper Age Relaxation: Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years for SC/ST, 03 years for OBC and 10 years for PWD category. Ex-Serviceman & Others, if any – As per Govt. norms.

Candidates’ Selection: Selection of the candidates will be based on Skill Test and Written Test.
Exact Date, Time and Venue for examination/interview will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course as well as such information will be also available in the official website of Cantonment Board Wellington.
For more details regarding candidates’ selection norms and eligibility norms, go through the officially released advertisement (See URL/PDF below).

Application Fee: Candidates must pay Rs.100/- as Application Fee. Fee can be paid throughDemand Draft drawn in favour of the Chief Executive Officer, Cantonment Board Wellington, payable at Coonoor.

Visit Official Website:     Click Here


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